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The Village at Orchard Ridge Resident Rhoda Kriz Named Distinguished Fundraising Volunteer

December 4, 2017

On November 17, in conjunction with National Philanthropy Day, the VA, Tri-State Association of Fundraising Professionals held an awards luncheon to recognize contributions of philanthropy, and those people active in the local philanthropic community. National Philanthropy Day provides an opportunity to reflect on the meaning of giving and all that it has made possible. Local residents were recognized as “Distinguished Volunteers” for their contributions of time and leadership to many nonprofit organizations.

Among the award recipients was The Village at Orchard Ridge—A National Lutheran Community resident Rhoda Kriz.

Rhoda, a resident of Orchard Ridge since March of 2013, has been a tireless volunteer, giving of her time and energy to many different projects, causes, and charitable initiatives at Orchard Ridge. She was instrumental in helping to organize the Community’s Artisans Fair, co-founding the Flying Fingers knitting group, and serving on the Imagine Campaign for chapel furnishings. Rhoda also serves on both the resident culinary committee and the tech team. These commitments keep her very busy, however, she enjoys every minute.

“I see my work as a volunteer at Orchard Ridge as a labor of love,” Rhoda said.

As a show of appreciation of her philanthropic work, Rhoda was awarded a medallion and a certificate of congratulations from the Association of Fundraising Professionals chapter president. Rhoda expressed her feelings at being selected for this award when she commented, “I feel very honored to be recognized for giving back to my community”.